
Dental Advice

Individual fluoride prophylaxis in children

Nowadays, preventive health care is extremely important, especially dental prevention. Fluoride is an element that plays a key role in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Therefore, it is important for people to know the importance of using...
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Teeth whitening: discover the most effective method - Prevdent

Teeth whitening is one of the most common dental procedures today. There are many methods to get white, healthy and snow-white teeth. One of the newest and most effective is teeth whitening using the Prevdent system....
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Dental implants Warsaw

Tooth implants are currently the most modern and effective method for reconstructing missing teeth. Placing implants allows achieving a permanent and aesthetic effect, and also ensures the proper functioning of the teeth.
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Dental treatment and pregnancy?

There are many myths about dental treatment during pregnancy. It's time to dispel them! Can local anesthesia be used in a pregnant patient? What about x-rays? Is it safe to remove a tooth? In our article, we solve the questions related to dental treatment of pregnant women.
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Veneers are thin flakes of porcelain or composite. They are designed to improve the appearance of our smile. Do veneers darken, and can they be whitened? Check out our article. Snow-white and even teeth are the desire of many people. Who among us hasn't dreamed of a Hollywood smile at least once?
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Wisdom teeth

What are eights? When do they appear and do they always need to be removed? Is it worth removing "wisdom teeth" prophylactically? When should we go to a dental surgeon? What are the symptoms of a retained eight? These and other answers can be found in our article.
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Is orthodontics only for children? Orthodontic treatment for adults

Is orthodontics only for children? Definitely not! More and more adults are opting for braces. This is a very good decision, because orthodontic treatment can be carried out at any age. In our article, you will find all the information you need about orthodontics.
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How to avoid malocclusion in children: the role of the orthodontist in prevention and treatment

Malocclusions, although they seem to be only an aesthetic problem, carry serious health problems. Fortunately, we can prevent them. In this article, you will read practical advice on how to avoid malocclusion in children and what role a pediatric orthodontist plays in this process. Remember — prevention is better than cure!
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Orthodontic braces — everything you need to know

Do you dream of straight and even teeth? Wondering whether to get braces, but not quite convinced? In this article, we answer the most popular questions. How much does braces cost? How long does orthodontic treatment take? What are the types of orthodontic braces? You can find all the answers here!
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Braces Warsaw: A perfect smile within your reach

Within your reach — a perfect smile! With the modern braces we offer, your teeth can gain proper alignment, and you can gain confidence in every smile. Get ready to make a real difference and feel like the star of your own life with a radiant smile that makes you stand out.
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Braces before and after — your path to the perfect smile

The article “Braces Before and After” is a guide to the benefits of wearing braces. Learn how to improve your oral health and enjoy a beautiful smile with Edent Dentistry in Warsaw. Discover how this innovative treatment can transform your life for the better.
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Professional Dental Surgeon in Warsaw - Edent Dentistry

Your smile deserves the best care. Meet the professional dental surgeon in Warsaw at Stomatologia Edent — Agnieszka Kierat-Jasiak. Experience and advanced knowledge is the key to a beautiful and healthy smile!
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Root Canal Treatment Under the Microscope: Precision, Comfort and Efficiency at Edent Dentistry.

Root canal treatment under the microscope — a new dimension of precision and efficiency. Discover an innovative approach to the health of your smile at Stomatologia Edent. Experience the benefits of microscopic root canal treatment!
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Oral hygiene in Warsaw: The key to a healthy smile with Edent Dentistry.

Nowadays, maintaining a healthy and attractive smile is important for overall well-being and perceived well-being. Taking care of oral hygiene has become especially important, and in Warsaw, Stomatologia Edent stands out as a leader, offering comprehensive oral care services.
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Pediatric dentistry at Stomatologia Edent, Warsaw — your child in good hands

When we think about the health and beautiful smile of our little ones, choosing the right pediatric dentist is crucial. Stomatologia Edent in Warsaw stands out as a center of professionalism in the field of pediatric dentistry, offering highly specialized care that perfectly meets the needs of both children and their parents.
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Preserve your natural smile: modern restorative treatment at Edent Dentistry in Warsaw.

Discover advanced conservative treatment at Edent Dentistry in Warsaw! As experienced dentists in Bemowo, we focus on protecting your natural smile. Our modern methods guarantee minimal discomfort and aesthetic results. Make an appointment and take care of your teeth with the best specialists in Warsaw.
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Transform Your Smile: Professional Teeth Whitening at Edent Dentistry in Warsaw.

Discover the secret to a dazzling smile with professional teeth whitening at Edent Dentistry in Bemowo, Warsaw. Our methods, including Prevdent in-office whitening and Opalescence, Nite White overlay whitening, guarantee safe, effective and long-lasting results. Get the white smile you've always dreamed of with the help of experienced dentists.
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What cups should young children drink from to ensure the health of their teeth?

Take care of your child's smile from an early age! Specialists from Edent Dentistry in Warsaw advise on how to choose the perfect cup to support the healthy development of your toddler's teeth. Learn about our recommendations and establish healthy habits that will pay off in the future.
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How to choose the perfect toothbrush? Recommendations from Edent Dentistry

Want to take care of your smile in the best possible way? Read our guide to choosing the perfect toothbrush from the experts at Edent Dentistry in Warsaw. Discover how different types of toothbrushes can affect your oral health and find the model that is exactly right for your needs.
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Latest trends in teeth whitening: innovative methods at Edent Dentistry

Learn about the latest trends in teeth whitening with an exclusive guide from Edent Dentistry in Warsaw! Learn how innovative methods such as PrevDent regenerative whitening and Opalescence and Nite White overlay whitening are revolutionizing the industry and how they can transform your smile. Discover a professional approach to teeth whitening that combines effectiveness with safety and comfort.
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The importance of regular visits to the dental hygienist — a guide from Edent Dentistry

Discover the crucial importance of regular visits to your dental hygienist with this guide from Edent Dentistry! Learn how routine visits can prevent gum and tooth disease, improve overall oral health, and keep your smile in perfect condition. The unique guidance and professional approach of our Warsaw specialists will help you keep your smile healthy and beautiful for years to come.
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When does a tooth need root canal treatment?

Do you know when a tooth needs root canal treatment? At Edent Dentistry in Warsaw, we offer state-of-the-art treatment methods that ensure efficiency and patient comfort. Learn about the symptoms of needing root canal treatment and how our advanced techniques help restore dental health. We invite you to read the article and schedule an appointment!
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Take care of the health of your smile with modern dental fillings at Edent Dentistry.

Discover modern dental fillings at Edent Dentistry in Warsaw! We provide aesthetic and long-lasting solutions that will restore your smile to its natural appearance. Our composite and ceramic fillings are ideal for those who value high quality and long-lasting results. Learn about the advantages of the modern techniques used in our office and schedule an appointment today!
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Jak dbać o higienę jamy ustnej podczas leczenia ortodontycznego? Porady od Stomatologii Edent w Warszawie

Czy wiesz, jak prawidłowo dbać o zęby podczas noszenia aparatu ortodontycznego? Stomatologia Edent w Warszawie dzieli się praktycznymi poradami, które pomogą Ci utrzymać zdrowy i piękny uśmiech przez cały okres leczenia.
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Dlaczego warto regularnie odwiedzać dentystę? 5 kluczowych powodów

Zdrowie zębów to klucz do ogólnego zdrowia. Odkryj, dlaczego warto regularnie odwiedzać dentystę w Stomatologii Edent w Warszawie i jak przeglądy zębów mogą zapobiec poważnym problemom. Zapraszamy do lektury!
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