
Orthodontist Warsaw Bemowo


Orthodontic treatment of children and adults

Orthodontist, pediatric orthodontist Warsaw

Orthodontics is a field of dentistry that deals with the prevention and treatment of malocclusion. It makes it possible to diagnose the problem and determine the appropriate treatment methods. The most important goal of orthodontic treatment is to improve not only the aesthetics of the tooth placement, but above all the chewing function, the way of swallowing and the articulation of certain sounds (pronunciation defects). This is very important from the first years of life. That's why he works in our office. Orthodontist for children and orthodontist Warsaw for adults.

Healthy and straight teeth are the dream of many of us! If you want to check whether you should wear braces, we invite you to our dental clinic in Warsaw. It is worth seeking the opinion of a doctor who will conduct an orthodontic consultation and indicate the best possible treatments.


Orthodontic diagnostics — orthodontist Warsaw

In order to diagnose a malocclusion, you should make an appointment for the first time — it is a comprehensive orthodontic consultation. During this visit, orthodontist determine what the patient's needs are and conduct a detailed medical history to determine the causes' malocclusion. After the initial interview, he will perform an examination of the oral cavity to assess the existing abnormality and its degree of progression. Orthodontist Warsaw will also check the condition of the mucous membrane and evaluate the work of the temporomandibular joints, the arrangement of the jaw relative to the lower jaw, the width of the jaws or the ratio of the teeth to the width of the dental arches. Good orthodontist Warsaw is able to catch even minor irregularities that are the source of malocclusion. External and intraoral diagnostics will also be performed. X-rays should be taken: pantomogram and cephalometry (lateral examination of the skull). In the course, orthodontic consultation photos are taken with a camera. Prints, on the other hand, are produced for plaster models. Based on the medical records collected in this way, the doctor prepares a treatment plan.

Orthodontic treatment can not be started in a situation where the patient's teeth require emergency treatment. The orthodontist in this case refers such a person to a dentist who will conduct caries treatment or replacement of fillings.
Orthodontic treatment is carried out in two phases:
  • Active phase, in which, thanks to the treatment applied, the correct alignment of the teeth is achieved,
  • Retention, in which the new position of the teeth is fixed.
In the active phase follow-up visits, depending on the treatment used and the type of apparatus, occur every 4-8 weeks.

Orthodontic treatment with a removable appliance

If the doctor makes a decision of TreatmentTreatment of malocclusion with a removable appliance (removable braces), the patient is taken orthodontic impressions from alginate mass for the manufacture of the braces by the orthodontic laboratory. In the case of Pediatric orthodontist, we carry out this procedure not only carefully, but also quickly, so as not to stress the youngest patients too much. On the next visit, orthodontist gives you the made camera along with instructions on how to put it on and take it off. The patient is also given a schedule of wearing the braces, which he should adhere to in order as treatment of malocclusion has yielded results. During follow-up visits, the doctor checks the progress of the treatment, changes the setting of the apparatus and gives further recommendations for wearing.

In our clinic, pediatric orthodontist will try to give as much detail as possible about the planned treatment at the very beginning. Each doctor strives to ensure that the effect in both younger and older patients is as satisfactory as possible, and the treatment itself goes smoothly.

Removable orthodontic appliance It doesn't have to be boring! Select colored braces for teeth!

We allow you to make removable braces in your favorite color, with the use of glitter sprinkles or additional applications chosen by the child.

Orthodontic treatment with a fixed appliance

If orthodontic treatment is based on fixed braces, before installation, the orthodontist will recommend removal of tartar and plaque from the teeth. After thoroughly cleaning the surface of the teeth, the doctor will fix the locks on them with a special glue and a lamp. They will accompany the patient already until the end of treatment. Inside the locks, there are recesses that serve to locate the orthodontic arch, which is a source of pressure on the straightened teeth. During the control visits, which will take place according to the established plan, orthodontist will replace ligatures And the bows are getting stronger.

Ligatures are flexible rubber bands, the function of which is to support the camera wire in the locks. Thanks to them, orthodontic arch does not move or fall out. They are available in different color versions, which is gladly used by the youngest patients, deciding to change the color during visits. For children in particular, this is an interesting variety, when he himself chooses the color of the elastic band. At the time of inspection visits, orthodontist will also assess the progress of treatment, as well as check the condition of the teeth and gums.

Every pediatric orthodontist working in our team is distinguished by empathy and a great attitude towards the little ones, so that the entire treatment process is stress-free and comfortable for them.
Recommendations after the tooth extraction procedure include:

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What is the treatment with braces?

Orthodontic movement of teeth causes destabilization of the gum fibers, which means that after removal, fixed braces teeth are under the influence of stresses on the part of soft tissues. Usually, after the establishment of the orthodontic appliance the patient feels a slight discomfort, then after a few hours there may be complaints of pain, sensitivity to pressure or a moderate increase in the mobility of the teeth. However, there is a high variability in pain perception in response to orthodontic treatment. In general, the pain lasts 2–4 days, and then disappears until the next activation of the braces. Usually the discomfort is greatest at the first activation of the braces, where over-the-counter painkillers help to reduce these complaints.

Retention phase

Retention phase Treatment allows you to rebuild soft tissues and adapt them to the new position of the teeth. In this phase, both removable dental appliances, retention rails and permanently glued from the lingual side retainers.

After removing the braces, the orthodontist can apply the assumption permanent retainer, performed on site in the office or by an orthodontic studio. Retention is the process of stabilizing the corrected bite. Teeth after straightening — especially in adults — tend to return to their former place. As a result, after removing the braces, the patient receives from the doctor the so-called, retention plate, the task of which is to maintain the effect of active treatment.

In addition, in addition to the retention plate, the patient also receives detailed instructions for its use. Initially, it is necessary day and night, over time, the required frequency of wearing the braces decreases. How long the retention should last depends on the individual predisposition of the patient.

Duration of orthodontic treatment

When can you expect the effects of orthodontic treatment? The duration of orthodontic treatment depends on the malocclusion, the degree of its progression, the chosen appliance and the age of the patient. For these reasons, you need to prepare for a period of not less than 1.5 years. For adults, this is often not enough time to get rid of a fixed defect. After removing the locks and removing the rings, the doctor thoroughly cleans and polishes the patient's teeth. What is important, the procedure is completely painless.

Orthodonta Warsaw — Cure your smile with us!

Orthodontic treatment is an effective and long-term option for people who want to improve the appearance and functionality of their teeth. Orthodontist Warsaw offers a wide range of treatment options, from traditional braces to modern and non-invasive methods. No matter what type of treatment you choose, it is important that you make sure that your Warsaw orthodontist is experienced and qualified to help you achieve the best results. Make an appointment today and start your journey to a beautiful and healthy smile!
Want to learn more about orthodontics? We invite you to read our articles!

Camera — everything you need to know

Is orthodontics only for children? Benefits for Adult Patients

How to avoid malocclusion in children? The role of the orthodontist in prevention and treatment

Choosing the right orthodontic appliance


Modele diagnostyczne
200 zł
Plan leczenia
250 zł
Kontrola aparatu metalowego samoligaturującego (1/2 łuki)
300-350 zł
Kontrola aparatu estetycznego szafirowego (1/2 łuki)
300-350 zł
Aparat stały ceramiczny samoligaturujący (1 łuk)
4500 zł
Kontrola aparatu ceramicznego samoligaturującego (1/2 łuki)
300-350 zł
Przyklejenie nowego zamka
150-250 zł
750-1500 zł
Kontrola aparatu ruchomego
150 zł
Naprawa aparatu ruchomego
od 100 zł
Dodatkowa śruba
100 zł
Retainer stały
450-500 zł
Płytka/Szyna retencyjna
550 zł
Szyna relaksacyjna
800 zł
Kontrola retencji
150 zł
Zadzwoń i umów wizytę!

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List of dental services — Stomatologia Edent Warsaw

Get acquainted with the offer of services offered in the Edent Dental office. It is a place where modern dental equipment and technologies serve your health. Thanks to the use of the latest solutions, our team of specialists can provide effective treatment and a high level of service.
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