
Periodontology at Stomatologia Edent in Warsaw


Effective periodontal treatment in Warsaw


If you're looking for specialized periodontal care, Edent Dentistry in Warsaw, located in the Bemowo district, offers comprehensive periodontal treatment services. Our good periodontist Warsaw provides the highest standard of care, using modern treatment methods to guarantee the health of your smile.

Good Periodontist Warsaw Bemowo

Our specialists at Edent Dentistry are a team of experienced and qualified doctors who approach each case with passion and commitment. We effectively treat periodontitis, periodontitis and inflamed gums, restoring health and comfort to our patients. Our approach is holistic and individualized, meaning that each patient receives a customized treatment plan tailored to their specific needs and the severity of their condition.

At Edent Dentistry, we make sure that the treatment process is as effective and safe as possible. Our good periodontist Bemowo uses the latest technologies and methods, such as laser therapy, which minimizes discomfort and speeds up healing, and innovative diagnostic techniques, such as 3D scanning, which allows for accurate treatment planning.


Professional care and Patient comfort

At Edent Dentistry, we make sure that our Patients feel comfortable and safe at every stage of treatment. Our medical staff are not only specialists in their field, but also people who approach each Patient with empathy and understanding. We offer a friendly and relaxed environment where Patients can feel comfortable and confident. Each procedure is discussed in detail, and Patients are informed of every step of treatment, helping to build trust and psychological comfort.

Treatment of periodontitis and periodontitis

Periodontitis, also known as periodontitis, is a serious disease that can lead to tooth loss if not diagnosed and treated early. It is a condition that affects the tissues that surround and support the teeth, including the gums, periodontal ligaments and bone. This disease manifests itself in bleeding gums, unpleasant mouth odor, pain when eating, as well as loosening of teeth and tooth sensitivity, among other symptoms.  Untreated periodontitis leads to progressive bone atrophy and tooth loss.


Accurate diagnostics

Our periodontologist Warsaw Bemowo uses advanced diagnostic techniques to accurately assess the condition of the periodontium and plan effective periodontal treatment. During the visit, detailed examinations are carried out, including clinical evaluation, radiological examinations (X-rays) and 3D scanning, which allow accurate imaging of periodontal structures. Thanks to these methods, even the tiniest lesions can be detected at an early stage, allowing more effective intervention.

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+48 531 999 753

Effective treatment of periodontitis

Treatment of periodontitis includes a variety of therapeutic methods to eliminate the causes of the disease, control infection and regenerate periodontal tissues.
  • Deep cleaning: The first step is to professionally clean the tooth surface and gingival pockets of bacterial plaque and tartar. We use techniques such as scaling and root planing to remove bacterial deposits both above and below the gums.
  • Antibiotic therapy: In some cases, topical or systemic antibiotics may be recommended to fight the infection. This minimizes the risk of spreading the infection and promotes the natural healing process.
  • Surgical procedures:In advanced stages of periodontitis, when periodontal tissues are severely damaged, surgical procedures may be necessary. Our good periodontist Warsaw Bemowo performs various procedures such as flap surgery, bone and tissue regeneration and gum grafting. These advanced techniques help restore lost periodontal structures and stabilize teeth.
  • Laser therapy: Modern methods, such as laser therapy, allow painless and precise removal of lesioned tissue. Laser therapy speeds up the healing process and minimizes the risk of complications, making it an excellent choice for patients with periodontitis.

Control and prevention

Treating periodontitis is not only about eliminating symptoms, but also preventing recurrence. Regular check-ups and professional teeth cleaning are key to maintaining periodontal health. Our periodontist Warsaw Bemowo advises patients on proper oral hygiene techniques and provides healthy lifestyle tips that promote gum and dental health.

Diagnostics and modern treatment methods

At Stomatologia Edent in Warsaw, we rely on advanced diagnostic methods that allow us to provide precise and effective treatment of periodontal disease. Our good periodontist Warsaw Bemowo uses the latest technology to provide our patients with the best care.

Advanced diagnostics

Our approach to diagnosis is comprehensive and detailed. We use a variety of diagnostic methods to accurately assess the state of the periodontium and identify any problems.
  • X-rays:A basic diagnostic tool, X-rays allow us to assess the condition of bones and tooth structure. With X-rays, we can detect lesions that are not visible to the naked eye, such as hidden cavities, periodontal inflammation or bone loss.
  • 3D scanning: 3D scanning technology allows us to create three-dimensional images of the oral cavity. 3D scanning gives us detailed images of soft and hard tissues, which allows us to accurately plan surgical procedures and other interventions. This state-of-the-art diagnostic method is invaluable in complex cases requiring accurate structural evaluation.
  • Clinical periodontal examinations: Our periodontist also performs detailed clinical examinations, including measuring the depth of gingival pockets and assessing the condition of the gums. Through these examinations, we can determine the severity of periodontal disease and customize a treatment plan for the patient.

Modern treatment methods

At Edent Dentistry, we use the latest treatment methods that ensure high efficiency and minimize patient discomfort. Our periodontologist Warsaw Bemowo uses advanced techniques that support the process of treatment and regeneration of periodontal tissues.
  • Deep cleaning (scaling and root planning): Scaling and root planning are the primary treatments for periodontitis. Scaling involves removing tartar and bacterial plaque from the surface of the teeth, both above and below the gums. Root planing is the smoothing of the roots of the teeth, which helps the gums adhere to the teeth and eliminates gum pockets.
  • Tissue regeneration: In cases of advanced periodontitis, when there is significant bone and periodontal tissue loss, we use regenerative treatments. These involve the use of materials that promote bone and gum regeneration, such as bone grafts and barrier membranes. These state-of-the-art techniques allow the restoration of tooth-supporting structures and restore tooth function.

Monitoring treatment progress

Regular check-ups and monitoring of treatment progress are crucial to the success of periodontal therapy. Thanks to advanced diagnostic methods, we can accurately monitor the healing process and adjust the treatment plan if necessary. Our periodontist Warsaw Bemowo is always available to patients to provide support and answer any questions about treatment.

Read the opinions of our satisfied patients

warsaw-bemowo-dentist-officeCheck out the opinions of our patients

Individual approach to each patient

Every Patient is unique to us. At Stomatologia Edent, we focus on an individual approach, tailoring the treatment plan to the specific needs and expectations of the Patient. Our good periodontist Warsaw Bemowo conducts a detailed medical history and thorough diagnostic tests to propose the best solutions. We are committed to making patients feel comfortable and safe, so each stage of treatment is carefully discussed and tailored to individual needs.

Why choose Edent Dentistry?

  • Experience and competence: Our periodontist Warsaw is an expert with many years of experience in the treatment of periodontal diseases. We constantly improve our qualifications by participating in training courses and conferences.
  • Individualized approach: Each patient receives a personalized treatment plan tailored to their needs. We care about the comfort and safety of our patients at every stage of treatment.
  • Modern methods: We use the latest techniques and tools in the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease, which ensures efficiency and minimizes discomfort for patients.

Make an appointment

Don't delay in treating gum inflammation and periodontitis. Contact us and make an appointment with a good periodontist in Warsaw. Our office in Bemowo is ready to restore your smile to health and beauty. Trust the specialists at Stomatologia Edent - your health is most important to us.

Stomatologia Edent - your good periodontist in Warsaw Bemowo.


Wizyta kontrolna/leczenie chorób błony śluzowej
150 zł
Usunięcie zmiany z badaniem histopatologicznym
650 zł
Gingiwektomia 1 ząb
300 zł
Kiretaż zamknięty 1 ząb
200 zł
Kiretaż zamknięty (ćwiartka)
450 zł
Kiretaż zamknięty (łuk)
850 zł
Kiretaż otwarty 1 ząb
200-300 zł
Plastyka wędzidełka
550 zł
Szynowanie zębów włóknem szklanym (1 punkt)
200 zł
Usuwanie zmiany błony śluzowej
od 200 zł
Wyłuszczanie mucocelle plus badanie histopatologiczne
400 zł
Zabieg płatowy (kiretaż otwarty)
od 1500 zł
Zabieg regeneracyjny z materiałem kościozastępczym
od 2300 zł
Zabieg pokrycia recesji z przeszczepem łącznotkankowym
od 2200 zł
Przeszczep FGG
2000 zł
Chirurgiczne wydłużenie korony (1 ząb)
600 zł
Kortykotomia odcinkowa
od 2000 zł
Wizyty kontrolne celem zdjęcia szwów
w cenie zabiegu
Zadzwoń i umów wizytę!

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List of dental services — Stomatologia Edent Warsaw

Get acquainted with the offer of services offered in the Edent Dental office. It is a place where modern dental equipment and technologies serve your health. Thanks to the use of the latest solutions, our team of specialists can provide effective treatment and a high level of service.
Choose a date for your visit now!

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Phone: 531-999-753

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